1st Year Works
このゲームでは、プレイヤーは反抗期の息子を亡くした父親と なり、息子との記憶をたどりながら、息子の死を受け入れてい くまでを再現する。作者は、ゲームにおけるプレイヤー及び キャラクターの視点を主題に、ゲームプレイとストーリーテリ ングを研究している。
In this puzzle adventure game, the player acts as a father who recently lost his rebellious son. By revisiting memories with his son, the father gradually comes to terms with his boy's death. The designer researches gameplay and storytelling with a focus on player and character perspectives.
Kyo is a master's student in the games program at the Department of Animation, Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media. He has a BA from Tsinghua University in China. After completing his undergraduate studies, Kyo worked as an independent game designer and also joined a startup animation studio where he served as a visual effects artist and software developer.