Tokyo Geidai Game Course students introduced their projects:
"Room-made" "Songs of the Hmong" "Whale Fall" "White-Haired Witch and Black-Haired Witch" "Black BOX" "DUCK!"


“Room-made” Muyang Li

2nd-year Master’s
Born in Sichuan, China. Graduated from the animation department at Tsinghua University. Master's candidate in the Department of Animation at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media.

“Songs of the Hmong” Meijun Fu

2nd-year Master’s
Born in Wuhan, China in 1995. Graduated from the Digital Media Art Department at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2017. Master's candidate in the Department of Animation at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media.

“Whale Fall” Fuma Yamane

1st-year Master’s
Born in Kumamoto, Japan in 1999. Received a bachelor's degree in Oil Painting from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2022. Currently enrolled in its Department of Animation in the Graduate School of Film and New Media and creating games, films and installation art.

“White-Haired Witch and Black-Haired Witch” YiNi

1st-year Master’s
Born in China. I create narrative animation using VR technology.

“Black BOX” Haoyu Wang

1st-year Master’s
Born in China. I studied digital media art as an undergraduate, and for my master's I am researching interactive filmmaking.

“DUCK!” Chanya Sriuranpong

1st-year Master’s
Born in Thailand, 1997. Graduated from Chulalongkorn University, Department of Communication Design. Currently enrolled in the Department of New Media at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media.