Production Members

  • Tomoko Kaizuka, Mio Ueta (Planning / Direction)
  • Zennyan (Character Design)
  • Ryoya Usuha (Programming)


At the beginning of every new year, the television program “ETV 0655/2355” introduces an eto (Chinese zodiac) song of the animal assigned to that year. In 2023, they took a different approach in producing the animated video by first making a game with this year’s animal, the rabbit, as the hero. Then, they recorded the game being played and edited the recording to match the music. The final piece was aired on the show as the eto song of 2023 entitled “Bunny Ussa’s Great Adventure.” This game has been modified to be showcased in the Tokyo Geidai Game Course Exhibition.
*Only available at onsite exhibition.

Members' Profile

Zennyan (Charactor Design)

Pixel artist. Studied traditional Japanese crafts and contemporary art, then became fascinated by the aesthetics of computer games and began creating pixel art.

Ryoya Usuha (Programming)

Filmmaker, independent game designer, and researcher at Tokyo Geidai.