1st Year Works
1st Year Works
「Welcome Back Home」は、お母さんの 一日の生活をアニメーションゲームにし た作品です。夫と子どもを世話し、家事 や炊事などを朝から晩まで毎日のように こ な す「 お 母 さ ん 」。 こ の ゲ ー ム で 、そ んなお母さんの忙しさを体験し、日常生 活とは異なる出来事をプレイヤーに楽し んでもらいたいです。
This is an animation game about one mother’s daily routine. She takes care of her husband and children by completing the many tasks that await her every day, making her profession the managing of these endless chores from morning to night. The players will get to experience them while enjoying some deviations from reality.
Born in Guangdong, China in 1990.Graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Digital & Media Department in 2013. As of 2020, studying at the Department of Animation at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media.