Geidai-Affiliated Projects
Geidai-Affiliated Projects
「r4nd(ランド)」はいわゆる立体四目並べです。盤面に重ねられるコマ数がマスごとに異なり、ゲーム毎にシャッフルすることでマスの配置がランダムになります。 5 × 5 × n の枠内で、先に縦・横・斜めのいずれかの直線状に4つ揃えたら勝利になります。引き分けた場合は一番上に重ねられているコマが多い方が勝利です。
r4nd (pronounced “rand”) is a three-dimen- sional game of four-in-a-row. Players can stack markers in the squares of the 5×5 board as long as they are within the designated number on the square. This number can be shuffled so that it chang- es for each game. The first player to line up four in a row wins, whether it is hor- izontal, vertical or diagonal. If a game is played out to a draw, the player with the most top-tier markers wins.
A resident of Yokohama, Japan, Ninomiya mainly uses computer devices, programming and fabrication tools to create his artwork.