制作メンバー Production Members

  • Muyang Li(Tokyo University of the Arts)
  • Joanna Shen(University of Southern California)
  • Shuqin Li(Tokyo University of the Arts)

コンセプト Concept

A 2D casual mobile game where you play as an ice cream gnome making ice cream in the shop. Catch the globs of ice cream falling from a mysterious place and serve them to your enthusiastic customers!

メンバープロフィール Member Profile

Muyang Li

Muyang graduated from the Animation Department of Tsinghua University in 2018. As of 2020, she is studying at the Department of Animation at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media.

Joanna Shen

Joanna is a game designer and technical artist studying Interactive Media and Games at USC. After studying Environmental Science at UCLA, she decided to pursue game design to create fantasy, narrative experiences that would evoke empathy in players and motivate them to take action to help the environment. Her goal is to design new worlds and unique characters people never would have imagined, and invite them to experience the memorable stories and gameplay she creates. In the rare moments when she’s not busy, Joanna loves drawing, dancing, drinking boba, walking her dogs, playing her Chinese harp, playing video games, enjoying cloudy days, and constantly learning new things.

Shuqin Li

Unknown artist