USC Projects
USC Projects
マシンラーニングのアルゴリズムを視覚化しシミュレートする作品。人間に代わり自 主的に判断していくアルゴリズムの内的風景を展開し、マシンラーニングの進化とと もに意識思考から乖離していく人間性の危機を示す。
Visualizing Algorithms is a design project that visualizes and simulates a series of simple machine learning algorithms. The work is presented as a software interface in which users can interact to map out the algorithm to look at its possibility space, the various pathways through the algorithm, and internal decisions made before arriving at a set of predictions. Data is simulated through the algorithm, showing decisions being made in real time as an algorithm executes. The piece scales between simple data graphics and more organic painterly textures to offer contrasting aesthetic expressions of non-human intelligence. The brain-like, or bio-like structures unpacks computational time into a possibility space. The piece invites an audience to get closer to the internal landscape of an algorithm, as it autonomously makes decisions on our behalf. As machine learning advances, we risk losing our human connection to conscious decision-making.
メディアアーティスト、デザイナー、研究者。マシンラーニング倫理におけるクリティカル・コードとアルゴリズムのエステティックを追究している。シミュレーションや短編映像、ソフトウェアアプリケーションを制作し、実践と理論に基づいた創造的な研究により、国力や社会のダイナミクスを決める目に見えないコンピュテーションの影響について、それを浮き彫りにすることを目的としている。現在、USC映画芸術学部Interdisciplinary Media Arts博士課程在籍中。ミシガン大学助教授。
Catherine Griffiths is a media artist, designer, and researcher exploring critical code and algorithmic aesthetics in the context of machine learning ethics. By creating simulations, short films, and software applications, her hybrid practice-theory-based creative research attempts to make palpable invisible computational forces that shape power and social dynamics. She is a PhD candidate in Interdisciplinary Media Arts at USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. Her research has been exhibited in the Centre Pompidou, Paris and published in the Journal of Digital Culture and Society and the Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts. Today she is an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan with a joint appointment between Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and the Digital Studies Institute.