制作 Artist

  • Toshiyuki Kuwabara (Project Lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts Center of Innovation, Research into Synesthetic Media Group)

コンセプト Concept

The Japanese word for photograph shashin is represented by two kanji, sha and shin , meaning “transcribe” and “truth,” respectively. SHASHIN.1799 examines the concept of transcribing truths as an institution of visual perception as well as the structures and nowness of reality. By investigating the expressions made avail- able through photographic media old and new and their visualization principles, we can interpret the underlying possibilities and questions of “seeing” with a new eye.

作家プロフィール Artsit Profile

Toshiyuki Kuwabara

Kuwabara pursues expression with drawings, photography, videos, CGI, biological phenomena, engineering, media technology, etc. Winner of the 16th Taro Okamoto Award, Special Award.Project Lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts Center of Innovation, Research into Synesthetic Media Group